Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Final 30!

Nikon D70, 18-50mm, 50mm, Aperture Priority
f/9, 1/320th sec, ISO 200, exposure compensation +0.3

This photo was taken on the Rocky campus. I like the colors in it and the focus on the berries, but don’t necessarily like the composition of the picture, I’m just not sure how to make it better. I set the aperture at f/9 because it would give me decent depth of field, and had worked for me in the snow before. The exposure compensation of +0.3 was from a different day and I forgot it was on, but it worked for the picture. In Photoshop I made it a bit brighter to bring out the snow, upped the contrast a bit, and moved my red saturation up a bit to bring out the berries.

Nikon D70, 18-50mm, 50mm, Aperture Priority
f/9, 1/250th sec, ISO 200, exposure compensation +0.3

This photo was also taken on the Rocky campus. It is one of my favorite pictures, I mostly love the color. Again, I chose f/9 because it had worked for me on snow, and I forgot I had set exposure compensation. In Photoshop, I made it a touch brighter and upped contrast a bit. Then I messed with the saturation to bring out the orange and de-saturate the rest a bit. I did not adjust the saturation more than 5 points in any direction. In the bottom left corner,  there was a tree with the same colors, and I thought having color there too distracted from the real focus of the image. I made another saturation layer and de-saturated it to about 70, then masked it everywhere but the bottom left. There is still a bit of color so it looks natural but isn’t distracting.

Nikon D70, 55-200mm, 56mm, Shutter Priority
f/20, 1/50th sec., ISO 200, exposure compensation -1.0

This photo was taken in Yellowstone. I like the color, the clouds and the light on the hill. Somehow, either in my camera’s reading the scene or, more likely, a mistake in my editing, part of the sky seems to have turned to a slightly off aqua color, which is the only part of this photo I don’t like. This was another photo taken in shutter priority that probably should have been taken in aperture priority, but I still wasn’t sure what aperture to set it at and was afraid to screw up the picture and figured I was less likely to do so in shutter priority. I had an exposure compensation of -1.0 to keep it from blowing out the clouds and making the light on the hill too bright. In Photoshop, I made upped both brightness and contrast a bit as well as saturation.

Nikon D70, 55-200mm, 86mm, Shutter Priority
f/5.6, 1/250th sec., ISO 200, exposure compensation -0.7

This photo was taken in Yellowstone. I like the color, focus, and the composition of this image. The shutter priority mode worked for this one because I was having problems getting the right shutter speed to get anything underwater in focus. The exposure compensation kept any light on the water from getting blown out. In Photoshop I made it a bit brighter, upped the contrast, upped my black point, and adjusted saturation.

Nikon D70, 55-200mm, 86mm, Shutter Priority
f/5.6, 1/250th sec., ISO 200, exposure compensation -0.7

This was also taken in Yellowstone. The focus is not the greatest, but I like the lines, they illustrate that diagonal lines are more attractive than vertical ones, and I like that the light looks blue. The exposure compensation kept the light from blowing out, and the shutter speed should have helped me get better focus. In Photoshop, I only upped my brightness and contrast by a few points.

Nikon D70, 55-200mm, 56mm, Aperture Priority
f/4.5, 1/1600th sec, ISO 200

I took this photo in Whitehall. I like the color, the river, and the sky. I was taking pictures of clouds on this day and experimenting with apertures. I was taking the same pictures stopped all the way down, then all the way up to see what the difference was. I took this picture with the camera opened all the way. I would not set it that way again, but I still got a good picture. The colors are actually original, the only thing I adjusted was brightness and contrast.

Nikon D70, 18-50mm, 50mm, Aperture Priority
f/9, 1/80th sec, ISO 200, exposure compensation +0.3

This photo was taken on the Rocky campus. I like the color and focus. It was another one set at f/9 because it worked in the past, but if I took it again I would go for more depth of field. In Photoshop I made it a bit brighter and upped saturation a few points.

Nikon D70, 18-50mm, 50mm, Aperture Priority
f/9, 1/250th sec, ISO 200, exposure compensation +0.3

This is another picture taken on Rocky’s campus. It is another one of my favorites. The settings are the same as the others taken the same day for the same reason. I love the color in this picture. In Photoshop, I made it a bit brighter, and only upped the saturation by a few points.

Nikon D70, 55-200mm, 86mm, Shutter Priority
F14, 1/100th sec., ISO 200

This is another Yellowstone photo. I like the colors and the reflection in the river. I was still messing around in shutter priority for this one. In Photoshop I made it brighter, upped the contrast, and played around with the saturation until I got the colors how I wanted them.

Nikon D70, 55-200mm, 56mm, Shutter Priority
F8, 1/200th sec., ISO 200, exposure compensation -0.3

This one was taken in Whitehall. I turned it black and white because only the grass in the foreground even looked like it had color in the original. It was still on shutter priority after taking pictures of antelope, and it was at -0.3 because it kept blowing out what little snow there was. In Photoshop, I cloned a fence post out of the bottom right, the turned it black and white.

Nikon D70, 55-200mm, 56mm, Shutter Priority
F10, 1/200th sec., ISO 200, exposure compensation -0.3

This one was taken in Whitehall a few seconds after the one above it, which is why the settings are the same. I like the road leading to the mountains, and that part of it looks black and white even though it’s not. In Photoshop I made it brighter and upped contrast and saturation.

Nikon D70, 55-200mm lens, 200mm, Shutter Priority
 f/6.3, 1/800th sec., ISO 200, exposure compensation -0.7

This was taken on the rims. I was working in shutter priority this day. Again, I don’t know why I thought 1/800th of a second was appropriate. I like the focus on the needles and that the needles are the brightest part. I upped my black point and levels a bit, as well as brightness, contrast, and saturation.  

Nikon D70, 55-200mm, 86mm, Aperture Priority
F9, 1/400th sec., ISO 200, exposure compensation -0.3

Taken in Whitehall a in the same few minutes as the other ones. I switched to aperture priority without changing exposure compensation. I like the fence and road going off into the distance. In Photoshop, it was made a bit brighter and the saturation was upped a bit.

Nikon D70, 55-200mm lens, 200mm, Shutter Priority
 f/5.6, 1/800th sec., ISO 200, exposure compensation -0.7

This was another photo taken on the rims. I like that the pine cones in front are in focus, but the ones behind are blurry. I was still working in shutter priority. In Photoshop, I upped saturation a bit as well as contrast and brightness.

Nikon D70, 55-200mm lens, 60mm, Automatic
 f/10, 1/320th sec., ISO 200

This was taken in my friend’s back yard in Whitehall. It is on an automatic setting because I really wanted to get the picture but didn’t know what to set it at and knew the fog would be gone quickly. In Photoshop, it was made a bit brighter.

Nikon D70, 55-200mm lens, 200mm, Shutter Priority
 f/5.6, 1/800th sec., ISO 200, exposure compensation -0.7

This was also taken on the rims while working in shutter priority. The shutter speed was too fast for the picture but it still came out. I like the purple flowers blurred in from of the red leaves. In Photoshop, I spent a few hours making the background completely black. Then I upped saturation levels to bring out the reds and purples.

Nikon D70, 55-200mm lens, 200mm, Shutter Priority
 f/5.6, 1/800th sec., ISO 200, exposure compensation -0.7

The rims again, I don’t know what is with the shutter speed. I mostly just like that it looks a bit like a watercolor. In Photoshop, I just made it a bit brighter.

Nikon D70, 55-200mm, 80mm, Shutter Priority
F/7.1, 1/200th sec., ISO 200, exposure compensation +0.3
Taken up in the mountains outside of Whitehall. I had just been taking pictures of my friends dog running, so when I took this picture it was still in shutter priority. I like the red branches over the white snow and water. I brought the red using saturation in Photoshop, and made it a bit brighter.

Nikon D70, 55-200mm lens, 95mm, Automatic
 f/9, 1/250th sec., ISO 200

Again taken in my friend’s back yard in Whitehall. It was still on automatic because I had no idea what to set it at but wanted the picture. The horse came out just as I was about to leave to make the picture perfect. I only made it a bit brighter in Photoshop.

Nikon D70, 55-200mm, 200mm, Aperture Priority
F11, 1/60th sec., ISO 200, exposure compensation +0.3

Another photo taken in the mountains above Whitehall. I don’t really know what it is, but I like the focus and the white background. I kind of just guessed at what aperture would work. In Photoshop I upped the brightness and contrast and used saturation to bring out some of the color in the seeds.

Nikon D70, 55-200mm lens, 165mm, Shutter Priority
 f/8, 1/800th sec., ISO 200, exposure compensation -0.7

This was also taken on the rims. I obviously did not actually ever change my shutter speed that day. I like the focus on the needles and the color. I made it a bit brighter in Photoshop, and used saturation to bring out the color of the needles.

Nikon D70, 55-200mm, 200mm, Shutter Priority
F13, 1/125th sec., ISO 200
A photo taken in Yellowstone. I love the composition with the tree and heron off to the side, the color is good too. I was still working in shutter priority. In Photoshop, I made it a bit brighter and upped saturation a bit, as well as cropping some distracting hillside out from the top of the photo.

Nikon D70, 55-200mm, 200mm, Shutter Priority
F5.6, 1/320th sec., ISO 200, exposure compensation +0.3

Another Yellowstone picture. I cropped it down quite a bit from the original to put the coyote in the top left corner. Exposure compensation kept light in the coyote’s face, and the shutter speed was to stop any movement, although it was a bit high. Other than cropping, I only made it brighter in Photoshop.

Nikon D70, 55-200mm, 56mm, Shutter Priority
F22, 1/100th sec., ISO 200, exposure compensation -1.0

This picture was taken in Yellowstone, I took all of those pictures in shutter priority. I like the slanted line coming through the picture. I did nothing in Photoshop.

Nikon D70, 55-200mm, 50mm, Aperture Priority
F10, 1/640th sec., ISO 200, exposure compensation -0.3

Taken in Whitehall. I like the mountains but wish there was either more of the grass in the foreground or none. In Photoshop, I adjusted the saturation.

Nikon D70, 55-200mm lens, 200mm, Shutter Priority
 f/18, 1/125th sec., ISO 200

Taken on the rims. I like the light coming through the leaves. I took my shutter speed down to something that made a little more sense for the picture. Nothing was done in Photoshop.

Nikon D70, 55-200mm lens, 200mm, Shutter Priority
 f/5.6, 1/800th sec., ISO 200, exposure compensation -2.0

This was another picture from the rims. I did the exposure compensation to make it dark, which worked, and I actually like the effect. I was I had done it in aperture priority to get a slightly larger depth of field. In Photoshop, I brought out the color a bit with saturation and made it a bit brighter.

Nikon D70, 55-200mm, 72mm, Shutter Priority
F4.2, 1/125th sec., ISO 200, exposure compensation -0.7
This picture was taken in Yellowstone. I like that it is in perfect focus, all the lines, and the one hair off to the right. I am actually happy with the settings I used because this picture worked so well. I did nothing in Photoshop.

Nikon D70, 18-50mm, 50mm, Aperture Priority
f/9, 1/160th sec, ISO 200, exposure compensation +0.3

Taken on the Rocky campus. I love the focus on the leaves and the color and spots on them. Everything worked well for this picture. I didn’t do anything in Photoshop.
Nikon D70, 55-200mm lens, 200mm, Shutter Priority
 f/5.6, 1/800th sec., ISO 200, exposure compensation -0.7

This photo was taken on the rims. I like that the milk weed is bright and in focus in the foreground and the background is black. This photo was from early September when I was just learning about priority modes and how to use them, so on this day I decided to try working in shutter priority. I am not sure why I thought 1/800th of a second was the appropriate shutter speed for this picture, it’s not as though the plant was moving. I set the exposure compensation at -0.7 to try and get the background dark, of course this also made the milk weed a bit too dark and turned it grey, along with my too fast shutter speed. I fixed it in Photoshop by making it a bit brighter and adjusting the levels to make the background darker and the foreground brighter. I also adjusted saturation a bit.

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